The Weekly Advance from La Center, Kentucky (2024)

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MISS VS SAIE 4 gi WEAR Editor ME I oreign Advertising Representative I THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION MACK JENKINS mt Oscar RAYS STORE Hot SALE Blast OSCAR ITEMS Sizes 12 15 16 18 here 7 the Cook Stoves anil Ranges wife Seperator I The Primrose BALLgBAND City Taxes Due Now! vrt 1 2 Pound Sweet Tater Special arm Sale LA CENTER 11 SALE i' spent Miss Dr here Mr Gov men tell I increases You can Thi not Vktrola" his re one Be the This shoe with leather upper has a waterproof sole of spepial compound that outwears the usual rubber or leather sole not re the of f1 Owensboro Ky Oct Aaron $3600 a year re tainer as chief counsel for the Dark Tobacco Growers Coopera tive Association ended as of Oc tober 15 according to Rheams armer secretary treasurer of tHe association in a statement given out tonight from the pool headquarters at Hopkinsville Dr Medley director for the western district of Daviess county who was present at the directors meeting at Hopkins ville iast week said tonight that following Mr statement to the directors that he did care to longer remain on a tainer as chief counsel of association Roy Garrison Hopkinsville was elected chief counsel Rowe director for the eastern section of Daviess coun ty in a signed statement says: meeting of the pool di rectors held bn October 13 at Hopkinsville was for the pur pose of reorganizing our general force and provide the different general positions and the person nel to fill them And in this general revision we failed to pro vide any position for Mr Sapiro as we did many others so there was nothing for him to resign Mr Sapiro had been general counsel for the association from the beginning up to our last meeting and has drawn in re tainers and fees around $50000 I have not at hand the itemized account but know it is not far from the amount THE MATTER 'WITH PADUCAH Paducah has LESS paved streets than any town its sie in the country There is none ANY WHERE with less Our streets are a disgrace to any civilized community and will remain so unless we vote bonds at the com ing election to build more Pa ducah Sun Why worry about streets just enforce your new traffic or dinance and it bq long un til you will not heed any improv ed streets I Entered at the Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter The following article was pub lished in the Kentucky Citizen of Paducah about two weeks ago and was written by a Paducah citizen it explains itself Kentucky Citizen Paducah Ky Dear Editor: the matter with Padu cah? Why cannot we get city laws made that will satisfy people from other communities? Is it possible that the Tick elected last fall and now in office are making the same terri ble and disturbing mistakes that were made by the men the "Bus 1 iness voted out of office because are avoiding Paducah because they are afraid of being arrested for a trivial violation of the traffic and so forth and now we read in the current daily papers wails of the president of the Automobile Club to the effect that are not molested in If some such complaints as that have not been made why this denial? not then satisfied the first hereafter described tract is to be sold and in the event the Union Central Life Insur ance Company lien still remains un satisfied the last hereafter described tract will be sold: Real estate lying iri Ballard County Kentucky A certain tract of land bounded and described as follows: Be ginning at an iron rod in the Gravel Road corner to Hall tract in line thence 15 1 2 100 4 5 poles to a stake in tit* worth line corner to Hall thence 74 1 2 95 3 5 poles to a stake in tit*worth line with large black oak pointers corner to Mitchell thence 15 1 2 100 poles to a stake in the gravel road thence 75 1 4 95 8 5 poles to the be ginning and containing sixty acres The interest on the deferred payments is to be paid annually (Described in the judgment as the land upon which The irst National Bank of Paducah has a lien and known as the land sold to Hugh Denton) The following described tract: Be ginning at a point in the gravel road Northeast corner of said Lot Nd 20 and corner with Lot No 7 in said orginal division (the ayette Harrison lot thence 16 92 poles to a stake corner with A Hall in west line: thence with A line 74 89 Doles to a stake corner with A Hall in Ben East line thence 16 1 2 E92 poles to a stake near a bridge in the afore said gravel road' and on the line of said Lot No 205thence with said line and road 74 886 poles to the' be ginning containing 51 acres by survey made by Dodson ebruary 1914 (Mentioned in the judgment as the land sold to Bradley) or the purchase price the purchaser or purchasers with approved security or securties must execue bond bearing legal interest from date of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply with these terms MAJOR TOMLIN Master Commissioner '4 A POOL STOPS PM Mr and Mrs A Edwards and children spent the week end with relatives at Olmstead Ill Mr and Mrs loyd Edlen and children of Cairo spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bill Boston Mrs Treva Calbert returned to her home at Clinton Saturday after several days visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Mitchell Mr and Mrs little son Howard was buried Wednesday afternoon at the Bap tist Cemetery Rev iser con ducted the funeral services His words were very consoling to the parents and family Mrs Rube Mitchell and Mrs Cledie Christian shopped in La Center Tuesday Mr Hoyce Hays and Bleumel of Paducah was Monday night Mr Worton Mansfield and mother was the guest of Mr and Mrs Will Griffin Thursday Mrs Hampton is on the sick list this week Mr Ray Boyd of Holloway was in Oscar Sunday SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Often Caused by Bladder Weakness Its Signal of anger Ahead Eckhart 3917 St Clair St Cleveland says taking Lith igted Buchu tablets one week the burning and smarting left me and with no desire to get up nights You should get the credit as I had tried many things I will be glad to write my experience to any one Lithiated Buchu cleanses the bladder as epsom salts do the the boweis driving out de posits neutralizes excess acids there by relieving irritation that causes get ting up nights The tablets cost 2 cents each at all drug stores Keller Laboratory Mechanicsburg Ohio Ballard Circuit Court Kentucky Duncan Against Equity Bayles Jr Bayles Deft By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Ballard Circuit Court rendered at the August 1925 term thereof in the above cause for the sum of ($17475) with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 6 day of April 1925 until paid and costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale at the court house door in Wickliffe Ky to the highest bidder at public auction ou Monday the 16 day of No vember 1925 at 1 or thereabout (being county court day) upon a credit of six months the follow ing described property to wit: A plot or parcel of land in the town of La Center Kentucky and described as follows: Two lots Nos 19 and 20 on the east side of Chestnut Street in the town of La Center facing 50 feet on Chestnut street and running back uni form depth 155 feet toward Pine street and being in Block No as shown by the plat of the town of record in the office of the clerk of the Ballard County Court or the purchase price the purchas er with approved security or securi ties must execute bond bearing legal interest from date of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply with these terms MAJOR TOMLIN Master Commissioner Elmer Mitchell in La Cen ter Monday Sherman armer of Cairo spent the week end with his family Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Treva Calbert were in Wickliffe Saturday Mr Dick Cooper was in Oscar Monday on business Mr and Mrs Vester Robert son visited Mr and Mrs Joe Wray of Sunnyside Sunday Mr John Mosely' delivered three loads of hogs in Barlow Monday Mr Ben Dance Tom Tyer and Jesse Barrow left Sunday for the Dam 52 to get work Mr Will Rudy and Miss Hallie Ayers of Needmore were the guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Rudy Sunday Mr and Mrs John Hampton were the guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Boyd of Barlow Sunday Mrs Salhe Owsley of Wick liffe attended the funeral of baby Wednesday I Warren Griffin visited his aunt Mrs Mansfield of Barlow last week Mrs Bee Davis was in Monday If you are hard on shoes this is the most economical work shoe for you the Mishko Sole Letho Shoe We allow you $500 for your old Stove and give you a ton of coal REE Resolutions recommending the Rev Mack Jenkins presiding elder of the Paducah district of the Methodist conference for reappointment were (adopted by the ministers of the districts in Regular session at Barlow Ky The resolutions also ex pressed appreciation of the work of Dr Jenkins will be forward ed to Bishop Edwin Mouzon presiding bishop of the Memphis conference While we are not a member of the Methodist church we are closely related and have had a bit of business with the presiding elders of this district for more than twenty years and say without fear of contridiction that Mack Jenkins has made one of'the best presiding elders the district has ever had and we are glad his service are appreci ated by both the preachers and laymen In view of the very stringent traffic ordinance passed by the city council of Paducah that town is losing a lot of trade it formerly received no use trying to deny that the or dinance is hurting Paducah for it is a fact As small a place as Paducah has no use for such a drastic piece of legislation as the ordinance relating to the move ment of Bardwell News Subscription Rates: In Ballard county one year $100 Out of county 150 Six month half of above amount Cash In Advance We have one of the best farms In Ballard county containing 55 acres tobacco barns stock barns all necessary outbuildings a good house with 7 rooms has Delco light plant within one half mile of Oscar on main gravel road $1000 down balance on easy terms Dunn Mr M' Berry of Oakton brought to the Gazette office Tuesday a sweet potato that weighed 8J pounds It was grown in his garden Last week Ivan Klapp brought us one that weighed six pounds but he has to take a back seat now The editor figures it out that he will get eight and a half meals out of this one so we are assured of several meals anyway If you doubt the veracity of these gentlemen come and see the taters We will exhibit them for a week before starting gastrono mical Clintons Ga zette On account of a down pour of rain riday night only a small audience greeted the expression class of Miss Randall at the class recital Those who did attend pronounced it a spledid program and well rendereej A STRATTON Tax Collector 1 Mr Reddick and Mr Rouse went to Paducah Tues day on business Mr Allie Gipson of Ragland was here on business Tuesday Mrs Willie Whitlow is visiting her mother at Oscar this week Mrs Ray Hamby is visiting her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Harris this week Mr and Mrs Hicks have moved to Grand Chain Hicks has employment at ernment Dam 53 Miss rances Waldon Wednesday night with Geneva Reddick Mr Ben Bridgewater was on business Thursday Mrs Mary Lester is on sick list this week Mr Vester Stoner visited parents Mr and Mrs Rouse this week end i Mrs Harris and Mrs I Ray Hamby visited Mrs Bi Moore Monday Miss Minnie Bailey spent the 1 week end with Miss Lorene Tooms Miss Manola Gregory shopped in Paducah Saturday Bro Charlie Warford and wife spent Sunday with Mrsand Mrs Keeper Miss Hilda Hawes spent Sun day with Miss Ruby Stoner Miss Manola Gregory spent the week end with Miss Lorene Tooms Mr and Mrs John Bailey visit ed their daughter Mrs Vadis Tooms Sunday Mr Ralph Alexander and Miss Madge Keeper Mr Richarc Alexander and Miss Lorene Tooms motored to Paducah Sun day Quite a few from Oscar at tended church here Sunday night Mr and Mrs Hugh Caldwell visited her parents Mr and Mrs Nichols Sunday Mr Rousexwas in Mound City on business Thursday Shelby and Keep er attended the Association at Newtons Creek Thursday lilt WttKLY ADVANCE Published Every riday That are (guaranteed to cook We give 10 per cent off for cash The Primrose is the only Cream Seperator that is ball bearing and that a child can turn Wet have a com plete stock of American field fence ceipent well tiling barbed wire bale ties and floor covering of all kinds THE Pay your city taxes before i the penalty is Penalty goes on December 1st wait until the last Implement Co All real estal you furnace heat value of property install Washington Home urnace in any home with or without basem*nt Produces circulating moist heat most healthful heat known Will increase value of your home10 to 25 If you are not using furnace heat now come in and let us explain how Washington Home urnace produces furnace heat at stove cost Let us explain why special air duct makes it most economical heating system known The Mishko Sole outwears leather or rubber Ballard Circuit Court Kentucky The irst National Bank of Paducah Kentucky Against Equity Mitchell et al Deft By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Ballard Circuit Court ren dered at the August 1925 term there of in the above cause for the sum of ($299040) with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 12 day of September 1925 until paid the further sum of ($40176) with interest from August 4 1922 and $592143 with interest from 12 day of Sept 1925 and $42330 with interest from April 1 1924 and costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale at the court house door in Wickliffe Ky to the highest bid der at public auction on Monday the 16 day of November 1925 at 1 or thereabout (being county court day) upon a credit of six and twelve months the following described property to wit: Situated in Ballard County Ken tucky lying in the itzhugh 12000 acre survey and including herein part of the Lot No 20 in the original di vision of said 12000 acres in case of Terrell vs Wm Redford etc said lot set apart to and Ex Norton per plat recorded in Order Book page 40 of McCracken Court of Com mon Pleas also part of Lot No 7 set apart to ayette Harrison in case of Thomas Terrell Excr of Isaac Clark et al Exparte per plat etc Recorded in Deed Book page 621 of McCracken County" Court office also part of Lot No 1 A set apart to Luther Clark under said proceedings of Thos Terrell Excr et al Ex parte per the plat and port aforesaid All pf said lands joining and as herein included in body bounded as follows to wit: ginning at a rock at a bridge on gravel road where wps formerly called for a stake and two small hickory pointers the northwest corner of the tract of 50 acres conveyed out of said Lot No 20 by Anne Norton etc to Mitchell see Deed Book No 7 page 622 of the Ballard County Court office thence 16 1 2 degrees 92 poles to a stake corner to A Hall in Ben' line southwest corner of said 50 acres thence 74 degrees 89 poles to a stake where was formerly called for a stake hickory and post oak pointers in the east line of said Lot No 20 thence 16 degrees 10 poles to a stake corn er with Gregory this being the south west corner of Lot No 4 in division of the ayette Harrison Lot No 7 amongst his heirs per plat recorded in Plat Book A page 61 of Ballard Coun ty Court office thence with the south line of said Lot No '4 of the Harrison division 74 degrees 100 3 4 poles to a stake in Will line thence 16 degrees 814 poles to a stake in the gravel road on the north line of the aforesaid Lot 7 'thence with said road 74 1 2 degrees about 50 poles to a stake corner with Wm Wallace on the south line of the Luther Clark Lot No 1 A about 80 poles from the south east corner thereof thence 16 deg 100 pols to a stake Wallace northwest corner in line thence with and south line 74 deg 195 1 6 pole8 to a stake corner with 30 acres here tofore sold by Mitchell to Hall thence with the Hall east line 16 de grees 101 poles to a stake on the south side of the gravel road on the south line of said Lot No 1 A 462 poles from the southwest corner there of: thence with said line 74 1 2 deg about 40 poles to the beginning containing within said bounds 2251 acres by survey exclusive of said gravel road This tract including all the zland conveyed to Geo Mitchel by deeds from Mitchell recorded in Deed Book 18 page 471 Mitchell Deed Book 18 page 470 Lizzie Newton et al Deed Book 24 page 163 (less 20 acres sold off to Hawkins) Mitchell Deed Book 24 page 632 containing1 altogether 106 acres and also all of the 1191 acres conveyed to Geo Lee Mitchell by Mitch ell and wife by deed dated May 7 1914 all in the Ballard County office The above described land will first be sold after excepting therefrom the fol lowing: described tracts and in the event the lien of the Union Central Life Insurance Company of $592143 is Take advan tage of the low price of feed and the high price of cream and you will make more this winter thanyou did in the summer INCREb VAI YOUR 10 TO 2 CE THE WEEKLY ADVANCE KENTUCKY The Peer of All Hot Blast Heater I I T' nqmm mw fSEEHHB S3 wButi'iMai 'J HHIuIi III IB I iBkBI BHki Hi III BiH Bl I E3I 1 1 wuixyjMn I I r'W IK I 4 rBiiiii uiu.

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The Weekly Advance from La Center, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.