Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers - SRB2 Wiki (2024)

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers (shortened to DRRR) is a source code modification of Version 2.2 made by Kart Krew. While originally intended as a major v2.0 update of SRB2Kart, the project evolved into a sequel. Like its predecessor, it is a kart racing game with Sonic and other characters. It features over 200 maps in total for the Race mode and Battle mode.

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers' core gameplay is similar to that of a typical kart racer, including the ability to drift and use items obtained from boxes placed on the track. More unusually for its genre, there is a heavy focus on momentum and skill-based gameplay. New mechanics introduced include rings that can be collected and give a speed boost when used, a trick system that launches the player in a specific direction based on a QTE input, and a Spin Dash that works similarly to its incarnation in classic Sonic platformers. The game opens with a tutorial narrated by Dr. Robotnik and Tails which introduces the player to many mechanics.

Ring Racers features a Grand Prix mode with 30 cups where the player races against AI players and destroys Prison Eggs in intermittent Prison Break stages. It also features Special Stages (referred to as Sealed Stars) that can be accessed by achieving an A-rank in a cup on Normal or higher, or by winning a cup on Master. In these stages, the player chases down and shatters a UFO Catcher racing through a track to retrieve the Chaos Emerald inside. The game also features a plethora of unlockable content, such as characters, music, online multiplayer, addons, and followers: cosmetics that float alongside the player during gameplay.

Battle mode also got an update. There are Blue Spheres that increase the player's acceleration and top speed, though decay if more aren't picked up over time. In addition to being the last one standing or being the first to score enough points to win, a new winning condition was added: If a player picks up all seven Chaos Emeralds that appear from large Item Monitors, they instantly win the round.

Items are stored in Item Boxes across the stages. They contain items that can enhance your racing or hinder players. There are 22 items that can be collected:

ItemWhen YOU'VE got it...

When THEY'VE got it...

Super RingThe Super Ring gives up all offense and defense for a frontrunner’s greatest dream—more speed. Grants 20 Rings on use, spending any extras.
  • When you’re in 1st place with 0 Rings, your next Item Roulette will be packed with extra Super Rings. If you’re pushing for speed or outrunning the SPB, this can be great. If your pursuers are taking aim, well…
  • If you’re in the lead, your opponents are often closer to danger than you are. If you spend Rings, it can force them to follow suit.
  • Look out for that telltale spiral of gold. If your opponent uses a Super Ring, they don’t have defensive items—push them with aggressive tethers and Ring usage!
  • Rings give the frontrunner extra speed variance and handling power. Don’t let them juke your items! Keep a steady hand and fire when they’re forced to slow down, like on tight corners.
SneakersGrants a burst of speed, letting you pass through Tripwire. Comes in singles, doubles, or triples. Use multiple Sneakers quickly to stack up speed!
  • A single Sneaker won’t grant much raw speed. Combine it with sneaker panels, or look for a Tripwire.
  • Combine multiple Sneakers for some serious oomph. If you stack them up before a ramp or jump, you’ll keep your speed during the airtime.
  • Sneakers always fire at full power, even while climbing slopes. Even a single shoe can give you an edge on a long hill climb.
  • A single Sneaker can blast through Tripwire, but won’t protect from anything that happens afterward. Look for chances to lay traps near shortcuts.
  • A deployed or dragged item can make a would-be booster think twice. Keep your item hidden, then swerve and attack when you hear the boost!
Rocket SneakersA high-powered multi-use Sneaker module; space out your fuel for a steady cruise, or burn it all in a mad dash! Doesn’t deplete while airborne.
  • Pace your boosts according to your cornering ability. It’s no use going fast while plummeting to your death!
  • Build up 200% speed, and you’ll be able to blow through hazards while boosting—but you’ll need space and a lot of gauge.
  • Spend some time mastering Sliptiding, and the Rocket Sneaker will let you fly through all but the most technical courses! (See “Advanced Techniques”.)
  • When moving fast enough, players will punt hazards away—but Sneaker boosts don’t inherently grant attacks or defenses.
  • Put yourself in between a player with Rocket Sneakers and their destination, and they’ll often give you a helping hand with a forward bump. If you’re committed, you can even try engineering a bump through Tripwire…
  • Items that inflict spinout waste the most Rocket Sneaker time. A banana’s reversed Directional Influence can turn high-speed steering into total ruin! (See “Advanced Techniques”.)
BananaA time-honored, classic trap that comes in singles and bunches. Causes a sudden loss of traction, sending opponents spinning out of control.
  • The Banana is most dangerous versus fast-moving players. Lay traps where it’s hard to steer away, like in the path of horizontal springs.
  • A chain of bananas can totally shut down a narrow road. Set down a line while you’re drifting!
  • A lobbed Banana is lethal in the right hands. Throw it while you’re falling, and you’ll get a low, powerful arc.
  • The Banana will slow you down when dragged—but it won’t do it right away. Deploy, then make a sudden swerve!
  • A deployed Banana will eventually slow the user down. Scare them into deploying, then pass on the side.
  • Be wary of Item Boxes and patches of Rings, where the yellow color can blend right in.
  • The Banana can easily block missiles from behind. Go for an off-angle attack!
  • Slipping on a Banana will reverse your “Directional Influence”—you’ll have to steer into hazards to avoid them! See “Advanced Techniques”.
OrbinautSometimes, you just need a straightforward spikeball. Deploy as an orbital shield, then fire away! Comes in stocks of 1 to 4.
  • Orbinauts inherit your speed when thrown, plus a little extra. Go for railgun-speed shots with sneaker panels and springs!
  • A set of deployed Orbinauts can make players think twice about cramping your racing line.
  • Orbinauts won’t hurt invincible players, but they’ll be briefly stunned on impact. Sometimes, it can make the difference!
  • Unlike dragged items, orbiting items don’t slow the user down. You’ll need to confront your attacker, or bait a bad shot.
  • You can shoot deployed Orbinauts to leave a hole in the orbiting shield. Hit the owner through that hole, and they’ll drop the remaining missiles.
  • A fired Orbinaut will spin you out, but getting rammed by an orbiting one will just knock you around a little. Play ambitiously!
JawzWhat’s better than a missile? A guided missile! Uses “Lock-On Technology” to pursue your enemies anywhere! Comes in singles and doubles.
  • For a homing shot, wait for the targeting reticle to appear. Otherwise, Jawz will travel in a straight line.
  • Jawz are a little sluggish, but pick up speed over time. Give them a kick-start with speed of your own.
  • Sometimes, it’s better to aim away from your target; when a Jawz’s handling kicks in, it can lead to hits from crazy angles!
  • A backwards-thrown Jawz will aim for its owner, but at a reduced speed—one more stray missile for your pursuers to worry about.
  • Jawz aren’t as fast as your typical missiles. If you make a decisive move, a frontal shot might not be fast enough to catch you.
  • Use other players to your advantage! If there are multiple nearby racers, you’re less likely to be the target.
  • A white reticle means you’re being targeted; a colored circle in the middle means you’re being chased. Bait the Jawz into walls like a matador!
InvincibilityWith one tap, you’ll wrap your Ring Racer in powerful sparks. Use your improved speed, immunity to damage, and devastating tackles to stage a comeback! Doesn’t deplete while airborne.
  • Invincibility goes faster, and lasts for longer, when used far away from 1st place. When the sparks start to flicker, it’s close to running out.
  • Tackling someone with Invincibility will send them tumbling away—and extend your Invincibility. Go for a hard hit to really send them flying.
  • After each hit, you’ll get less and less Invincibility time back. There’s (usually) no point in bullying the same racer endlessly.
  • Invincibility can be used instantly, with no warning. Be careful near item sets at the back of the pack.
  • Listen for the jingle, and keep your eyes open for the warning at the bottom of your screen. Invincibility is crazy powerful; most of the time, your best bet is to get out of the way!
  • Missiles and hazards can briefly stun invincibile foes. Use your items to buy some extra time, or weave through dense hazards to keep your distance from pursuers.
  • Not much can go toe-to-toe with Invincibility, but you do have options; Grow, an active Flame Shield, an active Bubble Shield, and Invincibility itself can all protect you!
HyudoroThis ghostly trap looks like a mere shadow on the ground—but when an unwary pursuer rolls over it, Hyudoro will steal their item and deliver it to you, to go!
  • Hyudoro can steal ANY item, no matter how powerful! Place it in high-traffic areas for instant returns, but place it in out-of-the-way spots, and you might snag an item from someone in the back…
  • If you’re in 1st place, or if you already have an item, Hyudoro will hold its stolen goods in reserve for you. Other players can see the item it’s offering, so don’t count on the element of surprise!
  • Hyudoro can steal held, deployed, and dragged items. Look for the colored, patrolling shadow—or just keep your Item Roulette rolling. It can’t steal what you don’t have!
  • If you have your item stolen, you’ll see your body and your Ring Racer take on a ghostly glow. While glowing, you’re invisible, immune to offroad, and able to pass Tripwire like it’s not even there. Is it worth making the trade? (Doesn’t work in 1st place.)
Grow“LET’S GO!” Double in size, making you faster, meaner, and almost invincible! Doesn’t deplete while airborne.
  • You may be huge, but you’re hardly unwieldy; Grow improves your handling ability along with your top speed.
  • Focus on drift boosts, sneaker panels, and other power items; Grow’s effects stack efficiently with all sources of speed!
  • Grow punts players away on contact and barely slows you down. Go for off-angle hits to send racers off-track, then redirect with Rings!
  • If you deploy or drag items while Grown, they’ll stay huge when you shrink back down.
  • Grow doesn’t help much when it comes to acceleration. Keep yourself near the track edge, or on the outside of corners, and force them to choose between speed and attacking.
  • On straightaways, you usually don’t have much to fear from Grow. What are they gonna do, knock you in the direction you’re already going?
  • However, listen for the charge of an Insta-Whip; with Grow improving the range and acting as protection, you might have to make some tough choices under pressure! (See “Advanced Techniques.)
ShrinkSummon Poh-Bee drones to cover the course in lasers. Enemies will shrink on contact, making them slower and rendering their attacks harmless—but you’ll do the opposite, gaining Grow time for each beam you hit. Time for a rampage!
  • Shrink is most potent when your enemies are spaced out; players in the back will have to travel through more Poh-Bee traps.
  • Don’t get caught up trying to hit every single laser; keep moving, and make the most of the opportunity while your enemies are powerless!
  • Even if you’re normal-size, you’ll hit tiny players as if you were Grown, knocking them around on contact.
  • Shrink lasers are more potent if they hit you directly. You’ll shrink for less time if you hit the trail, and for even less if you hit the edge.
  • It’s usually not worth fully stopping to dodge a Shrink laser, unless you have some way of quickly speeding up again. Find a balance between avoidance and fundamental racing.
  • Your own Grow effect will prevent you from being shrunk, but you’ll return to normal quicker for each laser you hit.
BallhogFires a ball that bounces around and damages players that touch it. If the Item button is held, it will charge up, allowing multiple balls to be thrown out in a shotgun spread.
  • When charged, Ballhog’s frontal shot fans out to cover a wide area. Combine it with your own speed to clear out a room!
  • A backwards Ballhog travels much slower, staying densely packed in a wall of explosives—good for forcing pursuers off their racing line.
  • Prototype versions of Ballhog could bounce, but after a laboratory accident, the bombs were redesigned to explode on contact with walls—making it safer to use in close quarters.
  • Blocking Ballhog with an item of your own is often a losing bet—the attacker can have up to 5 shots. Keep yourself away from the attacker’s racing line, and you’ll be an unappealing target.
  • Charging Ballhog takes time. Listen for the charge, then duck and cover!
  • Each projectile can only hit one target. In a pinch, look for other racers to use as shields!
Pogo SpringWhat is this thing? The Pogo Spring is a rulebreaking speed item with a defensive edge. Use it to hop over walls and hazards, leaving it behind as a trap; the next person to hit it will tumble out of control.

Rarely found in Capsules, and never in the Roulette—for good reason!

  • The ability to Trick from anywhere opens up some truly baffling strategies. Skip tough slope climbs, invent new jumps, make comebacks with Voltage, or get speed on a dime with a Voltage Drop—what’s right for the situation? Only sharp study and patient practice will reveal the answer!
  • The Pogo Spring’s launch is lethal near the track edge, and even worse if a player’s moving at high speed.
  • Body-slam a player while tricking, and you’ll send them tumbling!
  • The Pogo Spring is a course-specific item, and players have to go out of their way to grab it at all. Study the courses so you know what to look out for.
  • Fortunately for you, the Pogo Spring is a huge, bright orange object. Keep your eyes up, and it won’t catch you by surprise unless it’s used on a slope—and tumbling down the slope you were already descending isn’t the worst.
EggmarkIt's a fake! Picking it up after it has been placed will cause the user to drop their current item and activate a 5-second countdown leading to an explosion as well as temporarily increasing their speed. Pressing the Item button will trigger the explosion early, and other players can be caught in the blast. Bumping another player before you explode passes the bomb to them.
  • You can pick up items while dragging the Eggman Mark, then set it right on top of the item you grabbed. Block off the Ring Box you leave behind you!
  • Anyone who picks up an Eggman Mark will drop their item. Use it to defend or advance against powerful items.
  • In a desperate spot? You can throw the Eggman Mark forward, then pick it up on purpose for five seconds of improved speed—but you’d better have a plan for what happens afterward!
  • The Eggman Mark doesn’t block missiles. Once you see it, you can safely fire away!
  • Players dragging an Eggman Mark will slow down after a while. Fake your opponent into deploying early, and they’ll have to toss it away.
  • While the Mark counts down, you’ll get a speed boost and improved tether. Go for a bump to pass the hot potato, or press L to blow up early!
Self-Propelled BombSend a pissed-off explosive after 1st place! The Self-Propelled Bomb will chase them down and menace them until they mess up, or until a new leader takes their place.

As it travels, it drops “Shockwaves” in its path, speeding up anyone who passes through the ring of electricity.

  • Once you’ve fired the SPB, focus on the Shockwaves! When you pass through one, the high current will launch you forward in a unique boost.
  • Shockwaves grow stronger over time, bringing the whole race closer together. Everyone’s aiming for one thing—crushing the leader!
  • If you’re feeling spiteful, catch someone in the SPB’s initial path for a modest spinout.
  • Touching an Item Capsule with an SPB will automatically release it. There are certain paths that 1st place should never take…
  • Also quick note if you threw it before and get to first place it will betray you and come after you until you stop and get behind (example: waiting for someone to pass by you so you could be 2nd or lower).
  • The SPB is a frontrunner’s worst nightmare, but a cool head can keep you in good shape. First, take stock of your situation. How’s your ring count? Where’s 2nd place? How long do you need to stay leading?
  • You’ll need Rings to stay ahead on slopes, and they help a lot on tight corners, but the SPB blocks Ring pickup. What’s your plan? Burn to 0 and look for Super Ring in item boxes? Restock through landing Tricks? Go without and grit your teeth?
  • Outrun the Bomb for as long as you can—the longer it flies, the more the explosion powers down. Hold on for long enough, and you might be able to dust yourself off and keep the lead.
  • …Of course, when you’re 6 turns ahead, maybe it’s better to avoid all this and hold onto a Lightning Shield…
Land MineThis low-profile explosive tumbles anyone foolish enough to roll over it. Set precision traps to frustrate your enemies, or blast pursuers off your back!
  • The Land Mine is flat and difficult to see, so you can easily hide it behind slopes, but your victim will bounce down the slope and keep some speed.
  • On the other hand, a Land Mine on an upward slope is easier to see, but devastating to hit—they’ll tumble all the way down the hill!
  • When setting the Land Mine, it travels upward, then lands on the ground. Dunk aggressive pursuers on their heads, or throw it down vertical jumps to ruin someone’s day.
  • The Land Mine is an instant-use item. If the leader’s just traveled through an item set, don’t let them catch you by surprise.
  • If your opponent’s got a Land Mine, they don’t have a shield or orbitals—they can’t block your shots. Even a modest threat can force them to pull away.
  • Tripped a Land Mine? All is not lost: use “Directional Influence” to guide your bounces and stay on track! (See “Advanced Techniques”.)
Proximity MineLess precise than the Land Mine, but also less personal. The Proximity Mine arms after a short delay, then trips when anyone steps near it, blowing nearby opponents into the air!
  • The Proximity Mine covers a wide radius; it’s great at slowing down sharp corners, but you can also hide it behind obstructions.
  • Don’t get caught in your own carnage! When throwing the Proximity Mine forward, keep an eye out for clumsy drivers that might catch you in the blast radius.
  • Be mindful of your pursuers when setting the Proximity Mine behind you. If they’re close enough to punt it back, you might want to hold onto it…
  • You can detonate a Proximity Mine from far away by shooting it. If it’s already armed in a tight corridor, this might be your only option!
  • The Proximity Mine covers a larger range than just the projectile—and the resulting explosion has an even bigger range than that. Keep your distance!
  • When a Proximity Mine is set as a trap, it takes longer to arm. Drive into an unarmed mine to punt it forward—back to its owner!
Drop TargetThis mechanical marvel turns pursuers into pinballs, using their own momentum against them! The Drop Target deals no damage, but bounces players back and reflects thrown items at extreme speed.

Can be hit three times before disappearing, changing color from green to yellow to red. If it’s still spinning from the last hit, it’ll send the victim even further.

  • Drop Target is one of the rare items that can affect players using Grow or Invincibility. Lay traps for players who are exiting shortcuts or entering Tripwire.
  • The kinetic shock from a Drop Target doesn’t just reflect Jawz—it scrambles their targeting system, forcing them to chase their owner!
  • When thrown forward, the Drop Target turns white, and has reduced power for a short time. When a white Drop Target is hit, it’ll turn green, so lead your shots; don’t let it bounce off someone’s rear bumper and back into you!
  • A defender can’t hold the Drop Target forever, or they’ll slow down. While they’re holding it, you can bump or shoot it to transfer the momentum to their vehicle; look for chances to punt them off course.
  • Listen for the distinct “da-ding” sound on impact; if you hear it in your vicinity, be on the lookout for Drop Targets sliding down slopes or rebounding out of corners.
  • If the Drop Target knocks you into a wall or far off-course, Spin Dash might be a better bet than spending Rings—especially if you’re deep in offroad or near an item set.
GardentopThe fastest—and most confounding—item at your disposal! Build up speed, then redirect and multiply that speed for ludicrous comebacks!
  • While riding the Garden Top, you’ll bump other players like a giga-heavyweight. Use your momentum to send them off course.
  • Make quick, decisive turns to keep your speed. Only make small adjustments if it’s crucial; sometimes it’s better to deflect off a wall!
  • Charge while boosting or riding slopes to store up crazy speed; quickly turn, then release it to blast away. If you’re boosting, you can also charge to turn slightly while moving.
  • If you run into a wall and get knocked directly back, the Top will slow down to let you get your bearings. Remember, when you don’t know what’s going on, it’s usually safe to charge.
  • Trap items and missiles won’t just stop the Garden Top, they’ll destroy it—and someone riding the Top can only move in straight lines. Don’t let them get away; fight back!
  • There’s no point trying to bump a Garden Top, and the rotational force will normally clash with items like Grow and Invincibility—but they’re vulnerable while charging. Attack when you see sparks.
  • As the Garden Top approaches 1st place, it’ll start to shake, eventually vibrating out from under the rider. Expect the rider to make a move for your position!
Flame ShieldWhen nothing but pure speed will do, the Flame Shield is the perfect choice—a reusable, high-powered booster with a final kick. Boosting potential decreases when closer to 1st place. Protects Ring count from a single hit.
  • While boosting, the Flame Shield can punt hazards away, and can even survive direct attack items like Bubble Shield or Invincibility.
  • Flame Shield dramatically improves your handling the longer you boost, but high speeds can still be tough to control. Don’t be afraid to feather the accelerator.
  • As you approach 1st place, your Flame Shield’s gauge will get shorter and shorter. Eventually, it may not be worth holding onto it; find the right place to Overheat!
  • A cooling Flame Shield is vulnerable to any attack. Make your move after they boost.
  • The Flame Shield is at a mid-point between a simple Sneaker and invincible comeback items. Traps laid near shortcuts have a good chance of catching them with no gauge, defenseless.
  • In the endgame, a Flame Shield can change everything—but close to the front, all they can do is overheat. Body-block their advance, bump them away from Tripwires, or go for an Insta-Whip to strip the shield.
Bubble ShieldThis deceptively simple shield hides a veritable utility-belt of attack, defense, and movement options. As a bonus, the bubble’s surface-tension absorbs bumps, preventing you from being knocked around!

Protects your Ring count from one hit, destroying the shield.

  • Throw your weight around and play aggressively! The Bubble Shield’s regular attack spins opponents out, but even without attacking, a simple bump can turn an unshielded opponent into a billiards ball.
  • For reasons unknown to even the genius duo, the Bubble Shield will pop if you try fastfalling in 1st place. You still get to bounce once, though. Make it count!
  • Invincible opponents can’t be hurt—but a Bubble Shield trap doesn’t deal damage. Set it near shortcuts to stop comebacks!
  • To throw or set the Bubble Shield, it needs to be blown up first; watch and listen for a chance to avoid the shot.
  • After blowing up the Bubble Shield, the holder has to choose; fire it, or let it shrink? If you see the Bubble Shield shrink, they’re vulnerable for a moment; that’s your chance!
  • When trapped in a bubble, quickly shake the Control Stick or D-Pad left and right to break out earlier.
Thunder ShieldPowers up your Tether, pulls in nearby Rings, and protects your Ring count from a single hit. Attract yourself to your opponents like a magnet!
  • A permanent Tether boost is great for overtaking on many courses—but if it’s full of tight bends or Trick Panels, you might need to change your approach.
  • Playing conservatively can help preserve the Shield, but if you play aggressively, other players might hold back when approaching. Know your enemy and judge the situation.
  • The Lightning Shield’s passive electromagnetism will disrupt nearby rings, knocking them out of formation to trail behind you.
  • Lightning Shield will dissipate harmlessly if the wielder takes damage. All it takes is a single Orbinaut!
  • If there’s a Lightning Shield user on your back, you’ll be able to see their distinct charged-up Tether; you’ve got time to plan your defense.
  • A savvy Lightning Shield user will often try to preserve their shield to preserve their Tether. They may not actually want to hit you!
GachabomA Battle and Bonus exclusive, the Gachabom is the missile that does everything. Can be thrown three ways, bounces when it hits walls, and returns to you after it deals damage. Keep your shots on target for continuous pressure!
  • Staggered Gachabom shots can make for a fierce combo—it only takes a few to put someone on their Last Chance.
  • Gachabom shots and lobs inherit your momentum, just like Orbinauts and Bananas. Slow down for a shorter arc; speed up for a longer one.
  • Late to the Combat UFO? A preemptive shot can keep someone out of the tractor beam—then, lob the next one and catch the Power-Up as it falls to earth!
  • If your Item Box is already occupied, a returning Gachabom will orbit you until it’s clear.
  • Use sudden speed changes to make your opponent’s shot whiff, then punish them while their resources are exhausted.
  • When fighting in close quarters, Gachabom bounces can be as dangerous for the attacker as you.
  • Gachaboms don’t make for great rear-attack items, and they can’t be deployed as a shield. Attack from an angle!
  • The simplest solution: grab some Spheres, then E-Brake to reflect their shots with Guard!
Kitchen SinkWhen thrown, it will instantly kill whoever it touches and display a message saying who was hit by it. This item has a very slim chance of appearing in the item roulette.


Items are either obtained from Gold Item Boxes, which causes a roulette to spin with various items, or from Red Item Capsules, which grant a specific item in question - although in the case of the SPB, it automatically triggers when broken free from a Red Item Capsule.

Become invincible, speed up, and tumble other players when you hit them. Insta-Whip is your only weakness!MEGA BARRIER
Total protection from items and Insta-Whip, like a permanent Guard. Just don’t get slammed!BUMPER RESTOCK
Grants 5 bumpers. Go fight like a maniac!RHYTHM BADGE
Powers up your Insta-Whip—no charging, no cooldown, no limits. Only Guard can stop you!SUPER FLICKY
Four superpowered Flickies orbit your Ring Racer, flying out to divebomb nearby enemies. Huge combo potential!BONUS
Grants 6 points. Sneak into scoring position for the final KO…

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers features 9 base characters and 54 unlockable characters. Each character has "speed" and "weight" stats, which range between 1 and 9. Speed affects top speed and acceleration; a higher speed stat means a higher top speed and lower acceleration, and vice-versa for a lower speed stat. Weight affects handling and how the character responds to collisions; a higher weight stat means the character will be pushed around less but has looser handling and wider drift arcs. Lower weight means a character has tighter drift arcs and handling but is pushed around more easily.

CharacterIconSpeedWeightSonic82Miles "Tails" Prower22Knuckles55Dr. Robotnik/Eggman28Metal Sonic88Amy Rose52Fang85Mighty58Motobug25

There are 233 maps in the game, consisting of 30 cups with 7 maps per cup (barring the Egg Cup which only has 6) for a total of 149 Race tracks, 60 Battle arenas, 5 sections of the Tutorial, 14 Sealed Stars, the Podium Evaluation map, Test Run, Test Track, an Adventure Example map and the Titlemap.

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers - SRB2 Wiki (2024)
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